Admins quickstart guide

Running NetEvent with docker



  • Download or clone this repository (or the docker-compose.yml and the .env.example)

  • copy .env.example to .env and edit at least the DBUser and DBPassword values. If you want to use a different port than 5000/tcp, change APPPort.


DBPort does not change the port of the postgres instance that is deployed by default in the compose file!

  • run docker-compose up -d

  • visit your NetEvent installation with your browser, login with Admin and Test123.. and configure your instance


  • This container is intended to be running behind any kind of reverse proxy and therfore it is started with http only. If you need help for this, take a look in the Example reverseproxy configs.

  • You can find the container image on Docker Hub

  • You can find the Dockerfile inside the root of our github repository and build it yourself