Developers start guide

We are glad you want to help us on NetEvent! Some things you should think of before you start implementing new features or fixing bugs:

  • Can another feature thats already implemented be expanded? yes? then go for that instead of Building complete new stuff!

  • Does the addition / change might affect other usecases than your own? Build your changes with legacy support in mind!

  • Try to follow the coding Style which is used within NetEvent, just look around in our code to see which case is handled mostly in which manner

  • Why i shouldn’t join the NetEvent discord developer channel for discussion?

To start a new code contribution please:

  • open an issue to announce that you are working on a feature/change to get thoughts from the other developers and to prevent incompatibillities

  • make your fork NetEvent (if you are not already a acknowledged developer who can create branches on our repository)

  • make a new branch with the Name feature/examplefeature

  • as soon as you have code, please open a draft pull request.

Before you want to change your draft pull request to a finalized pull request to main you should ask yourself some questions:

  • Have i tried to update a running version from NetEvent with data to the one with my changes? Are the changes update proof?

  • Have i implemented all strings with localised variables? See Translation / i18n!

  • Have i implemented the users help features inside the client?

  • Have i changed the admin documentation on the affected parts?

  • Have i changed the developer documentation on the affected parts?

  • Have i changed the on the affected parts?

  • Have i written all ne needed tests for my code?

  • Does my pull request have a good speaking name that represents my changes in the changelog?

  • Do i have merged the current main branch into my feature branch?

What will happen after you have converted to the finalized pull request:

  • Someone of the core developer team assigns a specific label to your pull request, then our sonarcloud code analysis will run on your code. Afterwards please fix the things sonarcloud complains about.

  • When your code passes the sonarcloud analysis, someone of the core developer team will review your code and will help you to find missing things or bugs.

  • As soon as the review is done, your code will be merged to main and will get available for all users in the next release. Currently we dont have a fixed release cycle.

Development Prerequisites

Run NetEvent locally

with make



make dev

without make

dotnet run --project NetEvent/Server

Digging deeper

If you want to know more about our development thoughts, you might want to take a look into:

code analysis

we do our code analysis on sonarcloud